Sunday, July 6, 2008

Almost Time for Colorado

It's almost time for me to join Derek in Colorado for a little vacation, and I couldn't be more excited and ready to get away for a few days. Ever since he left last Monday, I've been counting down the days and getting more and more anxious for this trip to arrive. Almost time!

Since Derek left for Colorado, I've done the following: clean, clean clean. I found the domestic sliver of my being and was able to accomplish some major cleaning this weekend. Not exciting or glamorous, but notable for me, at least. I also caught a Twins game with some good friends -- or, should I say, caught up with some friends I haven't seen in a while while a Twins game happened to be going on in front of us. Not too surprising that I did more talking than game-watching, but I did notice the home run Mauer hit, so that should count for something.

Derek called this afternoon from Leadville to say it was beautiful out and he was looking at some breathtaking sights (that one's for you, Kurt "Leadville 100" Decker, from Derek). I imagined him sitting on a mountain (albeit one with good reception) , breathing in the cool, dry air with his legs leisurely stretched out in front of him. I can hear the carefree lifestyle of summer vacation in his voice, and it feels good to think that I'll be there soon, too (and hopefully not too sick from the altitude -- yikes!).

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