Thursday, September 18, 2008

Green Tomatoes

Here is the deal. I planted a garden in early June and it seemed to be coming along very nicely. The tomato and pepper plants grew, flowers budded, and then nothing. About a month went by and veggies started to sprout. But know there are nothing but about 50+ green tomatoes but nothing is ripe. I think that the nice warm days are numbered and fall is on the horizon.

I guess that is the way somethings go. Some things never seem to go according to plan. In the mean time I think I will try some fried green tomatoes.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

What I did on my summer vacation.

Good times, beautiful places and the best company one could ask for...What a great summer it's been!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sundown summer.

As the sun begins to set on the summer. Another beautiful season is about to begin. Fall. I enjoy change and everything that it brings. This autumn season...I look forward to a starting my school year teaching off to a wonderful start, crisp nights, freshly fallen leaves, apples, pumpkins, the TCM, the WEAC weekend break and anything else that comes my way.

Stay tuned....