Friday, May 2, 2008


If you ever look on the side of a Rolling Rock beer bottle there is a number 33 painted on it. There are many different theories of why it is there and what it means. Above all of the questions, there is an underlining theme of mystery. I like that word…Mystery..? With the thought of mystery you are free to let your mind wonder, discover answers to your questions, and formulate your own version of a story.

After just having a birthday on Wednesday and turning “33” the word of mystery becomes even more mysterious. I am not sure what the next year holds but I look forward to finding out.

Of all days of the year I remember April 30th the most. I have always used my birthday as a starting point of a new year. It is a date on the calendar to remind me to remember the past and to think back at all the “mysteries” that have been solved over the years of time.

As I reflect on my 32nd year of life, the mystery that was solved has a theme of luck to it. I am lucky to have Tracy, great friends, and family to surround and support me. I can only hope that my luck will continue and this year will be even better. For everyone out there who helped celebrate my 33rd birthday THANK YOU!

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