Friday, February 8, 2008


On Super Tuesday...Tracy and I went and exercised our rights as American Citzens, we went to a caucus. I am glad that I went. It was at an area high school up the street from the house. We started out planning on driving, but ended up parking back at the house. Then walking up to the school. Reason being....too much traffic and no where to park.
I was surprised by the turn out. I thought that there would be a few hundred attendies. I think it was closer to several thousand. We followed the sea of people and adventually found out (after making several laps around the school....we finally asked someone) what ward we were in and what classroom to vote in.
The actually voting took only a matter of seconds, but the act of getting to that point took better part of an hour. But in my opinion, it was worth it. It was great to see the diversity, different age groups, and lifestyles represented at the caucus on Super Tuesday. Maybe that is one reason it is called Super Tuesday???

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