Saturday, April 12, 2008

Tapes n’ Tapes

After battling a spring time snow storm, Tracy and I made it to First Avenue on Thursday. Collectively, we spent hours (not kidding) in the car and were excited to be at our destination to watch Tapes n’ Tapes perform a show. They were kicking off a nation wide tour in support of their new album, Walk it off.

The opening bands, The Birthday Suites and White Denim were average at best. I enjoyed White Denim much more then the Suites. White Denim reminded me of a seventies band that had a few good songs and guitar rifts. That was more then I could say for the Birthday Suites. They were loud, obnoxious, and hard to listen to. I was glad that we didn’t see their full act.

Now for the main act….Tapes n’ Tapes. It was a good show. Many of the new songs were full of energy and urgency. The band still had the fast, faster, go faster approach to their music. The main change from the Loon, was that they seem to have more electronics and guitar rifts on their new songs. They appeared to be happy to be performing and excited about their new album. I am glad that I went.

On another note not related to music. Today is Tracy’s Birthday!!!! YEAH!


Kati said...

Happy Birthday Tracy!!!

This is your cousin Kati in California. Have a good one!

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