Tuesday, March 25, 2008

March Morning.

“A March morning is as dull as he who walks in to it.” Aldo Leopold said in his book, A Sand County Almanac. This quote has haunted me for years. The reason being is my Dad would say that to me during my childhood when I would complain about the weather, even when it wasn’t March. It wasn’t until I got older until I completely understood what Leopold meant and why my Dad would say it.

No matter what Mother Nature throws at you, it is up to you to decide how you are going to respond to it. You might not be able to control the weather, but you can control your attitude.

The point of all this is, I have heard some people that I am in contact with complaining about the way that the spring is shaping up. I know the recent snow falls, below average temperatures, slippery roads, and chilly conditions have put a damper on spring.

But this is the northern Midwest, what do you expect? It was this way last year and I bet the year before that. If you don’t care for the weather here, then move. If it controls your mood that much, then find another location in the country that fits your needs and move there to live. If that isn’t an option, then change your perception of how you look at the weather. Think about what Leopold said and tap in to you’re wealth of knowledge to remember that the weather will too pass and it will be summer before you know it.

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