Tuesday, March 10, 2009


As I sit here and type this up, I am amazed by how fast the impression of my vacation has disappeared. The shine is off the apple. I week ago feels like it could have been three months ago. But I guess that is what vacations are for....a break from reality.

I love vacations for many reasons....But two seem to always top the list. The first is that you are able to live in the moment. The second is that you have the freedom to do whatever your heart desires. Going to Florida last week was my first trip of the year and one of my most favorite trips to the sunshine state ever.

The past week at St. Pete's Beach was great. There was a contrast of weather...from cool and windy to sunny and hot. I didn't mind the weather, it really showed the moods of the ocean and it made the sunshine feel that much better when it finally appeared.

As for a highlight of the trip....I think it was just walking along the beach after breakfast, barefoot watching the waves hit the shore....and thinking of nothing at all.

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