Monday, September 7, 2009
Well once again a tremendous amount of time has passed since I last made a post in Blogland. If I could go back in time, I wish that I could have made a few more posts to document my thinking at certain times this summer. But unfortunately, I didn’t. I think the majority of my time on the computer was taken up by visiting Facebook land. With my excuses and delay set aside. I am going to try to visit this blog twice a month to post any thoughts or any new happenings.This summer was interesting. It had it’s ups and downs. Let me start from the beginning. Regular school for me got done in June and I taught Summer School for 3 weeks, which got done on July 3rd. I was excited because the 4th of July was the first day of summer….yeah! The month started out good but then started to head downhill. In a nutshell…I ended up getting down and out with that took several rounds of antibiotics to fix the problem and Tracy had to have surgery to fix her elbow. With these happenings….the month of July flew by. Before we knew it…August was just a few days away. With August arriving it brought better health for both of us.I was able to head out to Colorado for 12 days. I left on August 3rd and spent my time backpacking, hiking, running, and visiting friends. Tracy was able to head out for a 3 day weekend to spend some time in with me in Colorado. After a hard day drive back home I arrived on August 14th? I think…I should check the calendar. Anyways….I was home for a week and then Tracy and I decided that we would go to San Francisco….WOW…what a great trip. I am so glad that we went. In recent history this has been one of my favorite trips.By the time we got home from San Francisco... August was almost over. But what a month it was. Looking back at this summer, there was some long days that were not the most enjoyable. But for every Yin there is a Yang…. On the flip side there was some pretty remarkable days that we enjoyed.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Random Facts
The 2008 - 09 school year has ended successfully. Yeah!
I have now shifted gears to summer school drivers education....the school day is the same as the normal school year. But the structure is a little more flexible, which is a nice change. In the downtime, while the students are watching video. I have decided to do is to find out random facts about things that I have wondered about. Here are my findings.
Tuesday Fact: In a chicken, the sperm from a rooster can live up to 10 days inside a hen.
Wednesday Fact: In human body there is about 5 to 6 liters of blood. In addition, any given portion of blood would take 30 seconds to complete one course of circulation around the body.
I have now shifted gears to summer school drivers education....the school day is the same as the normal school year. But the structure is a little more flexible, which is a nice change. In the downtime, while the students are watching video. I have decided to do is to find out random facts about things that I have wondered about. Here are my findings.
Tuesday Fact: In a chicken, the sperm from a rooster can live up to 10 days inside a hen.
Wednesday Fact: In human body there is about 5 to 6 liters of blood. In addition, any given portion of blood would take 30 seconds to complete one course of circulation around the body.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Terrible Blogger????
Well this is along over due blog. I think the last time that I posted something was almost 2 months ago. I am terribly sorry....
Since the last post. We (Trace and I) have been up to alot. We truely have been enjoying the spring season and all the great events that have happened. In the interesting of the reader and keeping it short....I am going to assemble a list of what we have been up to.
Since the last post. We (Trace and I) have been up to alot. We truely have been enjoying the spring season and all the great events that have happened. In the interesting of the reader and keeping it short....I am going to assemble a list of what we have been up to.
- Mates of State concert at the Varsity Club
- Tracy and my birthday
- Brunch at Kincaid's in Saint Paul
- Dinner at Galactic Pizza in Minneapolis as well as Saji ya and POP!! both in Saint Paul
- The play: Crime or Punishment at Jungle Theater
- The musical: Caroline or Change at the Guthrie
- Breakfast at Good Earth in Roseville
- Sound Opinions town hall meeting at Cedar Cultural Center
- Dinner at Cafe BonXai and Great Waters Brewery both in Saint Paul as well as Kilimanjaro Cafe and Manny's in Minneapolis
- Mothers Day and my Dad's 60th birthday celebration.
- Running in the Brian Kraft 5k
- I bought at 2008 Ford Escape
Along with all the "events" that we have been up to. We have equally enjoyed the smaller not mentioned events that daily life brings about. As I look at the list and reflect. It makes me smile and reminds me to remember the good times that are planned or not. But, most importantly to live in the moment.....As both Tracy and I know, life can change very quickly (as a bike accident).
I hope that my co-writer (Tracy) will back to particiating in the events sooner then later. Until then...Heal Quickly Tracy!!!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Mighty Mississippi.
I just got back from going for a run along the Mississippi River in Downtown Saint Paul. This is a route that I know well. I have run here all four seasons. A place were I have run in nothing more then a pair of shorts and shoes during the dog days of summer. As well as, trotting along in an Arctic suit when temperatures are bottoming out at minus 20 degrees.
Today, when I finished up running, I walked towards the river. As I held on to the baby blue railing that parallels the Mississippi and watched the swollen murky water flow by. I was reminded of a quote that I read some time ago. I can't remember who said it or where I read it at, but it went something like this....."In life it is great to go to places that have not changed through out time, but to go there and see how yourself has."
As I stood there I was thinking about how this river hasn't structurally changed since the last ice age. It has always been running this same course. Now through time, it has changed cosmetically from rising water or from building, dams, or bridges that have been built along its shores. But for the most part it is the same way the settlers of this area would have seen it.
This morning, holding on to the railing and watching the river pass. I thought about the first time I came here 5 years ago. I remember the sense of adventure, mystery, and over whelming questions of "where does that trail go? or I wonder how far it is up there?" I thought about the house I bought, the job I have, the injuries I have faced, relationships I have been in, my family, the friends I have and lost. It is almost crazy to describe the exact thought process. Because it happened so quick and it jumped around year to year in fast forward, as if you were watching an old fashion movie.
Before I was able to get too deep in the sentimental "rabbit hole" this morning. A trains whistle blew and snapped me back in to reality. I shook my head and walked back to my car. I had one final thought.
Since that first visit, I have continued to come here weekly and as the weeks passed the years and life experiences have add up. I have no regrets about the changes I have gone through, experiences I have had, and choices I have made. I am a lucky person.
Today, when I finished up running, I walked towards the river. As I held on to the baby blue railing that parallels the Mississippi and watched the swollen murky water flow by. I was reminded of a quote that I read some time ago. I can't remember who said it or where I read it at, but it went something like this....."In life it is great to go to places that have not changed through out time, but to go there and see how yourself has."
As I stood there I was thinking about how this river hasn't structurally changed since the last ice age. It has always been running this same course. Now through time, it has changed cosmetically from rising water or from building, dams, or bridges that have been built along its shores. But for the most part it is the same way the settlers of this area would have seen it.
This morning, holding on to the railing and watching the river pass. I thought about the first time I came here 5 years ago. I remember the sense of adventure, mystery, and over whelming questions of "where does that trail go? or I wonder how far it is up there?" I thought about the house I bought, the job I have, the injuries I have faced, relationships I have been in, my family, the friends I have and lost. It is almost crazy to describe the exact thought process. Because it happened so quick and it jumped around year to year in fast forward, as if you were watching an old fashion movie.
Before I was able to get too deep in the sentimental "rabbit hole" this morning. A trains whistle blew and snapped me back in to reality. I shook my head and walked back to my car. I had one final thought.
Since that first visit, I have continued to come here weekly and as the weeks passed the years and life experiences have add up. I have no regrets about the changes I have gone through, experiences I have had, and choices I have made. I am a lucky person.
Monday, March 30, 2009
What not to do...
Well a couple of weeks have past since I last posted anything. Maybe that is a good thing because I have been up to something other then just trying of thinking of something to blog about.
A couple of weeks ago Tracy and I went up to St. Croix Falls to check out some music by the Sweet Colleens. It was an idea hatched by my Mom. As I think about it, this was the first concert I have ever gone to with my parents. It was a good time, the show was held at the Festival Theater (great venue). The music was made up with Irish roots with a slight twist of was a neat combination. I am glad that we went and I was able to spend some time with my parents.
Then this past weekend Tracy and I went to Rent. It was a Christmas present that Tracy gave me. It was at the Orpheum Theater in Minneapolis. The show was good....but not great. Now don't get me wrong. I really enjoyed myself, am glad that I went and was very impressed by the singing of the actors.
But....I was distracted by the members of the audience sitting around me that were singing along with the show. I don't get it? Do these people forget that they are at a public place and that others paid money to listen to the actors perform? I understand that they may be "superfans" and may have seen Rent many times....but please be more considerate!
While I am on my is another pet up on time! I know that the showtime is printed on the ticket. Please don't interrupt other peoples entertainment because you were tardy. I really don't like getting comfortable, then gathering my things, standing up, just so you can find your seat in the dark 15 minutes after showtime. The same rule applies for intermission...hello they "flash" the lights for a reason.
One more thing.....put your phones away!....come on. Life will continue on if you don't check it every 5 minutes. The most distracting thing, inaddition to the others listed above, is to have my vision impaired by a blueish hew emitted off by your electronic devices.
Anyways....That is enought ranting for tonight.
A couple of weeks ago Tracy and I went up to St. Croix Falls to check out some music by the Sweet Colleens. It was an idea hatched by my Mom. As I think about it, this was the first concert I have ever gone to with my parents. It was a good time, the show was held at the Festival Theater (great venue). The music was made up with Irish roots with a slight twist of was a neat combination. I am glad that we went and I was able to spend some time with my parents.
Then this past weekend Tracy and I went to Rent. It was a Christmas present that Tracy gave me. It was at the Orpheum Theater in Minneapolis. The show was good....but not great. Now don't get me wrong. I really enjoyed myself, am glad that I went and was very impressed by the singing of the actors.
But....I was distracted by the members of the audience sitting around me that were singing along with the show. I don't get it? Do these people forget that they are at a public place and that others paid money to listen to the actors perform? I understand that they may be "superfans" and may have seen Rent many times....but please be more considerate!
While I am on my is another pet up on time! I know that the showtime is printed on the ticket. Please don't interrupt other peoples entertainment because you were tardy. I really don't like getting comfortable, then gathering my things, standing up, just so you can find your seat in the dark 15 minutes after showtime. The same rule applies for intermission...hello they "flash" the lights for a reason.
One more thing.....put your phones away!....come on. Life will continue on if you don't check it every 5 minutes. The most distracting thing, inaddition to the others listed above, is to have my vision impaired by a blueish hew emitted off by your electronic devices.
Anyways....That is enought ranting for tonight.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
As I sit here and type this up, I am amazed by how fast the impression of my vacation has disappeared. The shine is off the apple. I week ago feels like it could have been three months ago. But I guess that is what vacations are for....a break from reality.
I love vacations for many reasons....But two seem to always top the list. The first is that you are able to live in the moment. The second is that you have the freedom to do whatever your heart desires. Going to Florida last week was my first trip of the year and one of my most favorite trips to the sunshine state ever.
The past week at St. Pete's Beach was great. There was a contrast of weather...from cool and windy to sunny and hot. I didn't mind the weather, it really showed the moods of the ocean and it made the sunshine feel that much better when it finally appeared.
As for a highlight of the trip....I think it was just walking along the beach after breakfast, barefoot watching the waves hit the shore....and thinking of nothing at all.
I love vacations for many reasons....But two seem to always top the list. The first is that you are able to live in the moment. The second is that you have the freedom to do whatever your heart desires. Going to Florida last week was my first trip of the year and one of my most favorite trips to the sunshine state ever.
The past week at St. Pete's Beach was great. There was a contrast of weather...from cool and windy to sunny and hot. I didn't mind the weather, it really showed the moods of the ocean and it made the sunshine feel that much better when it finally appeared.
As for a highlight of the trip....I think it was just walking along the beach after breakfast, barefoot watching the waves hit the shore....and thinking of nothing at all.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
This afternoon I went for a run. I will have to admit it felt pretty good to feel sweat run down my face. It has been such a long time since I have had that sensation...I didn't know how to behave. Hahahah. It is hard to imagine that only weeks ago, it was almost 50 degrees colder. Wow!
But as I was running today, I was thinking about the weather. Even though I enjoyed the weather currently. I kind of miss the refreshing feeling the below zero temperature's bring. When dressed properly the artic temps are a wonderful time. First you get to enjoy having the outdoors to yourself. The only sound you hear is the squeeky snow and you get to watch your breath become a cloud of moisture before your eyes. I also enjoy the feeling of getting to somewhere warm. The feeling is wonderful.
Regardless of what the weather will be like in the upcoming weeks....I know that change is in the air and before too long I will start to complain about how hot it is....until then enjoy the weather.
But as I was running today, I was thinking about the weather. Even though I enjoyed the weather currently. I kind of miss the refreshing feeling the below zero temperature's bring. When dressed properly the artic temps are a wonderful time. First you get to enjoy having the outdoors to yourself. The only sound you hear is the squeeky snow and you get to watch your breath become a cloud of moisture before your eyes. I also enjoy the feeling of getting to somewhere warm. The feeling is wonderful.
Regardless of what the weather will be like in the upcoming weeks....I know that change is in the air and before too long I will start to complain about how hot it is....until then enjoy the weather.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Semester 19...done
86 days....That is how many school days the last semester was. I am always surprised by how fast the days fly by. It seemed like only yesterday was October. WOW.
Now that the semester is done, I have the new semester to look forward to. This past semester went well. I had really well behaved students, who were eager to learn. Which makes teaching fun. Yeah!!
As I am typing this up I am having a hard time believing that I have been in the education field for 10 years now. If I do the math quick...on average, I have about 20 student in each class...I teach 5 classes a semester. Now take 100 multiply by have had about 1900 students in the last decade.
Now if I could only remember all their names. Hahah imagine that!
Now that the semester is done, I have the new semester to look forward to. This past semester went well. I had really well behaved students, who were eager to learn. Which makes teaching fun. Yeah!!
As I am typing this up I am having a hard time believing that I have been in the education field for 10 years now. If I do the math quick...on average, I have about 20 student in each class...I teach 5 classes a semester. Now take 100 multiply by have had about 1900 students in the last decade.
Now if I could only remember all their names. Hahah imagine that!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Choose Wisely!
As I am sitting in the warmth of my house. Old man winter is pounding on the door with minus 20 degree force. Pound away!!! I am not leaving, at least for awhile. I have the day off because of the cold. The last day I had off because of the cold was January 30th of last year. I chose wisely because yesterday, I had a dentist appointment that took up most of the morning and I had yesterday off as well. So today is a nice gift and break from the routine.
Yesterday I graduated from the dentist, at least for awhile. In the last three months, I went 4 times because of cavities...Booo. With all the money, I put into my mouth I could have funded a great trip somewhere!
A word of advice! Don't go multiple years with out a trip to the dentist like I did! I remember the dentist saying, "Boy, I haven't seen a cavity this bad in 6 weeks" on one of my visits. I guess that means, I won an award and have a plaque on a wall somewhere in his office. I don't know if that is a good thing???
So last night the school that I teach at cancelled school, so I knew that I didn't have to set an alarm. It felt great to sleep in.
What does the day hold for me? I am planning on making some bread, heading to the gym for a workout, and maybe a walk. Inside or be determined.
Note: In the time that it took for me to type this it has dropped two degrees.... -22 .....
Thursday, January 1, 2009
...And Hello 2009!
Happy new year! Derek's end-of-2008 post pretty much sums up my sentiments. Looking at that list, one thing is clear -- there was much to enjoy in 2008! I'm very thankful for getting a chance to do and experience all that I did, but more importantly, I'm thankful for the people who helped make it so enjoyable. Derek, friends, know who you are.
Derek and I celebrated the end of 2008 with an old favorite -- dinner at Great Waters Brewery in downtown St. Paul. We had appetizers, drinks, dinner and dessert, we spent about 2.5 hours total in that place. Good stuff! We started with a hummus/pita/veggies plate, followed by chicken for me and duck for Derek. The best was the desset, though...bread pudding as big as my head. Derek was happy...just look at him!

After dinner, that left us with about 2.5 more hours to burn until midnight, and we decided to spend it at home...where it was warm, comfortable and free! I really couldn't ask for more on NYE.
So far today has been what New Year's should be...a whole lot of not much of anything besides relaxing and enjoying simple pleasures like pancakes and a walk on what's turned out to be a not-too-cold day. The year 2009 is off to a great start.
Derek and I celebrated the end of 2008 with an old favorite -- dinner at Great Waters Brewery in downtown St. Paul. We had appetizers, drinks, dinner and dessert, we spent about 2.5 hours total in that place. Good stuff! We started with a hummus/pita/veggies plate, followed by chicken for me and duck for Derek. The best was the desset, though...bread pudding as big as my head. Derek was happy...just look at him!

After dinner, that left us with about 2.5 more hours to burn until midnight, and we decided to spend it at home...where it was warm, comfortable and free! I really couldn't ask for more on NYE.
So far today has been what New Year's should be...a whole lot of not much of anything besides relaxing and enjoying simple pleasures like pancakes and a walk on what's turned out to be a not-too-cold day. The year 2009 is off to a great start.
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