Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Last Saturday night Tracy and I went to the Zenon Dance Company's fall show, which was held at the Guthrie. Before I give my thoughts about the show, if you haven't gone to the new Guthrie yet, you need to put it on your list of things to do. Pretty Cool.

Back to Zenon. This is going to be quick and was great. They performed 5 pieces, of the 5, I really enjoyed 3 of them. They were very artistically done, professionally choreographed, and beautifully performed. The 2 that I didn't enjoy were pieces, in my opinion, done for the masses. They would be something that you might have seen on TV...Pretty forgettable.

None the less. It was a great performance. I was able to see some good friends and enjoy the Guthrie Theater.

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