Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Policy and a Pint presents the Death of Environmentalism

Policy and a pint….My thoughts on the event was very education and informative. First things first; the location was the Varsity Theater. This is a great venue, very intimate, comfortable and very inviting. There was seating on the main floor as well as more comfortable chairs around the perimeter of the main floor and standing room in the back. The audience was a mixed bag of individuals from all age groups, with one common thing in mind…environmentalism. The way the night played out was on the stage Steve Steel a DJ from the The Current, interviewed Michael Shellenberger, one of the authors the book Break Through: From the Death of Environmentalism to the Politics of Possibility.

I found Shellenberger very informative. He first described what the enviroment is. Does it include humans or just the trees, plants, animals, land and so on? He stated that he believes that it involves everything that lives on planet earth. I can see both sides, and this topic could be argued in depth, but anyways.

What I remember the most is that the underlining theme that Shelleberger mentioned was that you have to admit that there is a problem. There is no mystery, today’s society is a huge consumer of energy (there’s the problem!) and we need to slow the consumtion process (way of maintaining the situation) and create a different way to produce energy (What a great solution).

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